Automation tools

[root@localhost lianyistack]# ./ --help

#               Author:  EinicYeo <einicyeo AT>             #
#                   LianyiStack for CentOS/RedHat 6+                  #
#                         Install LianyiStack                         #
#      For more information please visit       #
Installing offline dependencies packages 
version: 1.0
updated date: 2020-01-07
Usage: ./  command ...[parameters]....
  --help, -h                  Show this help message, More:
  --version, -v               Show version info
  --nginx_option [1-2]        Install Nginx server version
  --tomcat_option [1-3]       Install Tomcat version
  --jdk_option [1-3]          Install JDK version
  --db_option [1-8]           Install DB version
  --dbinstallmethod [1-2]     DB install method, default: 1 binary install
  --dbrootpwd [password]      DB super password
  --redis                     Install Redis
  --rabbitmq                  Install Rabbitmq
  --fastdfs                   Install Fastdfs and Fastdht
  --python                    Install Python (PATH: /usr/local/python)
  --keygen                    Automatically push keys to remote servers
  --ssh_port [No.]            SSH port
  --iptables                  Enable iptables
  --reboot                    Restart the server after installation